Jun 10, 2024, 10:13 AM
White rice is a refined grain that can cause a spike in blood sugar levels due to its high glycemic index.
1. White Rice
Made from refined wheat, white bread is quickly digested, leading to rapid increases in blood sugar.
2. White Bread
Cornflakes are highly processed and often contain added sugars, contributing to higher blood sugar levels.
3. Cornflakes
Instant oatmeal can be high in added sugars, causing a quick rise in blood sugar.
4. Instant Oatmeal
While a healthy snack in moderation, flavored or sweetened popcorn can increase blood sugar due to added sugars.
5. Popcorn
Couscous is a refined grain that can elevate blood sugar levels, especially when consumed in large quantities.
6. Couscou
Pretzels are typically made from refined flour and can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar.
7. Pretzel
Instant noodles often contain refined grains and added sugars, leading to higher blood sugar levels.
8. Instant Noodle
Many breakfast cereals, especially those targeted at children, contain high amounts of added sugars.
9. Breakfast Cereal
Crackers made from refined grains and with added sugars can contribute to higher blood sugar levels.
10. Cracker